The link basically states that Johnny Raynor, Jim Raynor's apparently-dead psionic son who is only mentioned in the novel Liberty's Crusade
Thanks for the publicity, but that isn't accurate.
What I was suggesting on the earlier page was separate from my novel. For the sake of clarity, I will explain both:
*My proposed novel would have taken place after Starcraft II: Wings of Liberty and set the stage for Heart of the Swarm. As I imagined it, the events of Wings of Liberty decapitated the Zerg Swarm and caused a lot of political instability within the Terran Dominion as Mengsk's greatest crime--calling down the Zerg on the Confederate capital of Tarsonis and oblit
I wrote a synopsis, a treatment, and all the other stuff for my submission and wrote William Dietz, author of the novel Starcraft II: Heaven's Devils, about how to proceed. Unfortunately, I learned that Blizzard operates on a "don't call us, we'll call you" policy re: tie-in fiction. My friend Matt Schafer later found this policy had been posted on Blizzard's web-site too. No unsolicited fiction.
Darn. In any event, the trailer for Heart of the Swarm and some early bits of the storyline show my predictions as to what would happen were off-base. The Dominion appears to betray Raynor and company early on, Kerrigan escapes to take control of the Swarm, and Raynor has gone missing. Ouch. I hope he survives the whole experience.
*The scenario with Raynor's son was something I posted on the forum as something I wanted to see in Heart of the Swarm. My scenario was that Kerrigan's assault on the weakened Terran Dominion using Zerg she has brought under her control would take her to the Ghost Academy. There, she would find Raynor's son, who it turns out really didn't die in a "shuttle accident" soon after being taken by the Confederate government and had been part of the Ghost program ever since. One fellow thought this was awesome and that he'd never imagined Kerrigan as being a stepmother before.
This scenario would have been a mission in the actual game (Kerrigan attacks the Ghost Academy), not part of the proposed book.
Could someone who is a member of the SC Wiki correct this? Feel free to link to this page as well as the first one. :)
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