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Saturday, March 30, 2013

Kellie's Custom Costuming Business

My friend Kellie Jureka is at it again. She has just opened an Etsy shop selling clothes she has made herself as well as "upcycled" goods.

Here's the link: KAIJ Custom Costuming and Design on Etsy, where you can buy stuff. Here's her Facebook page.

I have more familiarity with Kellie's costuming than with her jewelry parties, since I've seen it firsthand. Kellie made her 2011 DragonCon costume, which is Pepper Potts' dress from the first Iron Man movie, herself. A picture of it can be found in a story I wrote about North Fulton residents who attended DragonCon that year.

I would recommend her highly for any kind of costuming or custom-clothing need you might have. You can see a good example of her work in that article and there's more on her respective websites.

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